Thursday, November 20

Throughout the Years

I've done some comparison with the current gas prices and last year's first entry gas prices.
As you all know, gas prices have dropped down to $2 from $4 pretty quickly. A couple of reasons are that people are being more conservative for the enviroment and that people are being more conservative with money. Basically everyone is being conservative fro one reason or another.

Lowest Price Seen: $1.95
October 11, 2007 Lowest Spotted Price: $2.53

That's all for now folks!

Thursday, September 25

Posting Whenever

Hey guys!
I know this post is tardy and I know it's been a while but what's up!
Apparently we have no viewers!!!!
Now, we know the excuses, too much homework! And we agree so that's why we decided that we will post whenever we want to whenever we can! Thanks for your understanding and keep checking us out! (If we see a vote in the polls not from us we might reconsider this...

Tuesday, September 2

The Weekly Leaf

The Weekly Leaf
Welcome Back
Welcome back Jamie! Hope you had fun on your trip! Hopefully you'll tell us a little about it and post!
Coming Soon! Gas Prices Weekly!
Coming Soon! Gas Prices Weekly will now again have gas prices up on our blog! We know that there might be an increase because of hurricane Gustav and that the oil ships in the Gulf of Mexico had to be evacuated. We hope you understand that this might happen again because of other hurricanes that might hit. It's better to just walk on foot anyway!
For most, now school has started. I hope that this year opens new doors for you!

New Bouncy Topic - Music
Here's some of my current favorite songs... (Actually there more like songs I like that I can think of.)
  1. Summertime
  2. Hot and Cold
  3. Paper Planes
  4. American Boy
  5. Closer
  6. Check Yes Juliet
  7. One Step At a Time
  8. Forever
  9. Shake It
  10. Disturiba
This has been Elmo with the Weekly Leaf! TTYL!

Tuesday, August 26

The Weekly Leaf

The Weekly Leaf
Sorry that I didn't post last week everything was really wild! School starts soon so lots of work has to be done!
Woah! Since when did we have so many viewers that there are six people voted in the polls! That's awesome! Well, welcome back long lost viewers! We missed you! Go ahead and comment to say hi!
Gas Prices
Elmo and Jamie have not been to Manchester in a while so we were unable to post the gas prices and really keep track of the drops and rises. We have noticed a drop and we hope that that's countining! Cars should all be converted to vegetable oil because I think we have plenty of that. But who knows! There might be a shortage of vegetable oil in the world.
Yes, school is starting again and people have mixed feelings but looking on the Elmo side (bright side) there are many reasons to enjoy school!
  1. How many friends didn't you see over the summer? Don't you want to see them?
  2. You get to use lots of shiny school supplies!
  3. You get to start the fall sports again!

Discourage anytime? Comment and Elmo will help you look on the bright side!

This has been Elmo with the Weekly Leaf! TTYL!

Tuesday, August 12

The Weekly Leaf

The Weekly Leaf

Sorry I didn't post last week!

BIG NEWS::::::::::::
The Olypmics are on. Shocking, I know. Michael Phelps is doing a good job. Men's gymnastics did a good job. Some person with the last name of Leezak or something is my new hero. Misty May and Sherri Walsh are very good at beach volleyball.

Okay, I have to go. Have nice lives one and all!

Tuesday, July 29

The Weekly Leaf

The Weekly Leaf
Jamie, on my computer this post is the 99th? So you (have to) post the next Weekly Leaf so YOU will post the 100th. Either that or there are some computer difficulties...
Cool Games Website
Bored on a rainy day? Go to this cool games website.
Gone... AGAIN?!
Yes, I'll be gone again... Actually here's our schedule for August
Next two Weekly Leafs-
Elmo - GONE?!
Jamie - HERE!
The two Weekly Leafs after that-
Elmo - HERE!!!!!!!!!!
Jamie - GONE?! :(
BTW Jamie's decided to leave me here this week too! :(
Jamie is Gonna Be Busy
Jamie has a certain story to write so she'll be very busy while I'm away... Just a heads up!
This has been Elmo with the Weekly Leaf! TTYL!

Tuesday, July 15

The Weekly Leaf

The Weekly Leaf

Hey y'all! It's still Jamie right now because Elmo is off visiting Mars for two weeks. This coming weekend, I'll be leaving to go to college. Okay, maybe not, but I really will be at a university. I'm not entirely sure if I'll have access to a computer, so Elmo will have to see if she can get a wi fi signal while she is on Mars.

Ways to Stay Cool in the Very INTENSE Heat
  1. Stay Inside - Everyone who follows this rule is a LOSER! Go outside, losers!
  2. Eat Ice Cream in Large Quantities - This is probably going to be the best rule ever invented...until you get sick, then it won't be too fun. But until then, get your spoons ready!
  3. Go Outside, But Stay in the Shade and Don't Run Around a Lot - Once again, this rule is for LOSERS!!! Hello? You're all hyped up off ice cream! Run out the energy!
  4. Swimming - Actually, swimming is a really good idea because, unless the water is 100 degrees, it's hard to be too warm when you're swimming around and you're even using up some energy! (gasps)
  5. Wear Sunglasses - Come on, everyone knows that all the cool people wear sunglasses. So, wear sunglasses! Be cool!
Samuel was out for a walk when it started to rain. He did not have an umbrella and he wasn't wearing a hat. His clothes were soaked, yet not a single hair on his head got wet. How could this happen?

Find out the answer in a few days!

Okay, you've probably noticed that all the font is the same size. Well, obviously, last week, I had some issues with the font sizes so I decided to leave them alone this week.


Okay, today is Friday the 18th! The answer to the riddle is that Sam was bald! Get it? haha.

Anyway, I would also like to announce that this post was number 99 and that means that when Elmo comes back, she will have the honor of being post 100!!! Yeah Elmo!