Thursday, January 10

Challenge 1

The Challenge
This is a new topic called the Weekly Challenge! Each week there's a challenge to complete!

Challenge 1:
Can you do it? Try to keep your trash down through out the week to 1-2 trash bags if you have a trash compacter and 2-4 if you don't! Can you do it?
Take the poll to see who did it!
Goes on from today to a week later!
Time period that will be given to complete: 1 weeks!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Hey Jaimie and Elmo!
I think your website is really cool! Good luck with getting more posts!

Anonymous said...

P.S. I accept the challenge! If my mom agrees. Well gtg. I'm at school typing this. crap... cya.

Elmo and Jaimie said...

How said that they didn't accept it?
Not to be mean or anything.
Thanks if you did accept!
You rock!
Tell your friends about this blog!

Anonymous said...

my mom is kinda ecentric. heh, single and still crazy! she has many ideas of her own... i mean i'll try to but i dunno about my mom. my friend emily told be about this blog. it's a really great idea!!!

I hate how gas prices got so high. hopefully they'll go down...