Tuesday, August 26

The Weekly Leaf

The Weekly Leaf
Sorry that I didn't post last week everything was really wild! School starts soon so lots of work has to be done!
Woah! Since when did we have so many viewers that there are six people voted in the polls! That's awesome! Well, welcome back long lost viewers! We missed you! Go ahead and comment to say hi!
Gas Prices
Elmo and Jamie have not been to Manchester in a while so we were unable to post the gas prices and really keep track of the drops and rises. We have noticed a drop and we hope that that's countining! Cars should all be converted to vegetable oil because I think we have plenty of that. But who knows! There might be a shortage of vegetable oil in the world.
Yes, school is starting again and people have mixed feelings but looking on the Elmo side (bright side) there are many reasons to enjoy school!
  1. How many friends didn't you see over the summer? Don't you want to see them?
  2. You get to use lots of shiny school supplies!
  3. You get to start the fall sports again!

Discourage anytime? Comment and Elmo will help you look on the bright side!

This has been Elmo with the Weekly Leaf! TTYL!

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