Tuesday, June 10

The Weekly Leaf

The Weekly Leaf
6tr5ftgrfhkjigtfdrtghuj nbv fvcgbv hbyhtgfrdvr5fvy67ybvgfik78ii8u7y6yt6tr5f6t5rffff
fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffik8jyh6g7rft57ui9kj9ikj9ikj9o9oo9kjolkmujnyg=[hvu8ouhujhgttg hihjh vgfgbtjnubgv
I found this computer. It belongs to Elmo, my owner. I've desiood to type in this post thing. Right now I'm trying to go eat the man the door but Elmo won't let me. It's too ho today so thank you for air conditioning. I have lots of doggy homework to do so please excuse me.
Sally, a dog, has typed the message above in dog. That's why I had to translate it. She's right, it's too hot so yah.
This has been Elmo with the Weekly Leaf! TTYL!

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