Tuesday, July 29

The Weekly Leaf

The Weekly Leaf
Jamie, on my computer this post is the 99th? So you (have to) post the next Weekly Leaf so YOU will post the 100th. Either that or there are some computer difficulties...
Cool Games Website
Bored on a rainy day? Go to this cool games website.
Gone... AGAIN?!
Yes, I'll be gone again... Actually here's our schedule for August
Next two Weekly Leafs-
Elmo - GONE?!
Jamie - HERE!
The two Weekly Leafs after that-
Elmo - HERE!!!!!!!!!!
Jamie - GONE?! :(
BTW Jamie's decided to leave me here this week too! :(
Jamie is Gonna Be Busy
Jamie has a certain story to write so she'll be very busy while I'm away... Just a heads up!
This has been Elmo with the Weekly Leaf! TTYL!

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