Saturday, March 29

World 4ever

So do you like this new thing? Posting everyother day or so. I think it's nice and that way you know when to expect more.
So, what was on my mind is about the world! Have you ever seen those really dramtic photos of the ice caps melting and stuff well it's all TRUE!
Polarbears are drowning because they can't find icebergs! This is not good!
Take steps like turning off electronics and lights (look on the sidebar for more ideas)! Each thing you do is helping!
Another way to go green is to buy cars running on at least 32 mpg and above! If you can. Also try to walk down the street to go to places!
Everyone of the world! We need your help to survive!
P.S. We need as many people as we can get on this! Spread the word!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Jamie and Elmo,

I really like your blog!!! Poor polar bears... *sniffle* STOP GLOBAL WARMING!!!!!!!!
anyways, your website is on Skink and my favorite links. We'll definately try to tell more people about your blog.

p.s. on your links it says Squib and Stink. It's squib and skink...