Friday, April 25

Word of the Day

wootness- an exclamation similar to yahoo. only, wootness it ten billion and two times better than yahoo.

just thought i would share my new favorite word.


Thursday, April 24


OMG it's Friday and almost April Vacation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wait, it's thursday? Opps...
Well happy almost Friday and if you read this on Friday happy Friday!
P.S. Jamie and I are heading to Florida next week for offical sun tanning week! Please don't expect us to post!

Tuesday, April 22

The Weekly Leaf

The Weekly Leaf
Earth Day!
It's Earth Day here!
Show Mother Nature you care!
Reduce! Reuse! Recycle!
I know a tune
To help you remember
What you are suppose to do!
"The Three Rs" by Jack Johnson
To Reduce- Use reusable bags when going to the grocery store or other stores. This way you reduce the use of plastic!
To Reuse- Don't throw out those half used pencils! Reuse them! You can also have a yard sale so people can reuse your stuff.
To Recycle- Though this is a little self explanatory, recycle...
  • Plastic bottles
  • Plastic jugs
  • Glass bottles
  • Aluminum cans
  • Tin cans
  • Paper
  • Newspaper and Magazines
  • Cardboard
Check with your transfer station or dump to see what you recycle!
To make things more interesting
Elmo has began a quest
To see what viewers want
And how funny things should get.
Is this blog not holding your interest?
This has been Elmo with the Weekly Leaf! TTYL!

Saturday, April 19


I hope you forgive me after you see this video! We're in it!
Yes the sound dudes messed up and the real beginning (not included since this is a live performance) is way better.
Look at the video bar or click the link below!
We're the second one on youtube!

Tuesday, April 15

The Weekly Leaf

I'm so sorry guys!!!!
I totally forgot about posting!!!! I've been so busy this weekend doing things and stuff!!!

Maybe it's time to try The Weekly Leaf!

The Weekly Leaf
(Look on sidebar for more information.)
Energy to Save!!!
Now that it's spring with daylight hours becoming longer, when you wake you in the morning, ignore that pulse to turn the lights on. Instead open your window shades and let the light pour in!

Projects to Do!!!
Having to get that project done that's due umm... soon? Why are you reading this? Once your done reading this get to work! Do your work in 30 minute sessions and take a 3 minute break. Go outside and run around your yard three times than grab a glass of water and drink it! This way you'll become more focused on your project!

It's spring so go outside and run around! Play games with your siblings and pets. Take a nice long walk to the store and grab some stuff to play with outside! Remember that spring goes by fast and then comes summer. You have lots of plans on your mind...

This has been Elmo with your Weekly Leaf! Talk to you later

Thursday, April 10

New Idea

New idea!
Through this post is short and sweet
I have a promise to kept

This promise is a new idea
I want everyone to hear

The weekly leaf may be coming out
So stay tuned and check around!

Hope you like my poem! We might make a weekly leaf! (Don't know what that is though...)
P.S. April is national poetry month! ;)

Monday, April 7

Free Rice

Hey dudes and dudettes,
Elmo has a request...
Can you guys vote in the polls?
This is so we know roughly how many viewers we get.

I have another one too...
Can you guys visit this website:
It donates rice to Africa by having you click on the correct defination of the word.
This website builds your vocabulary and helps people.
That's another challenge.
Donate 1000 grams of rice.
P.S. Help Africa!!!

Friday, April 4

The One Hour Challenge

The One Hour Challenge!

Most challenges take about a week but this only take about an hour!

I challenge you to turn all the lights in your house off for 1 hour during the DAY some time soon! This way if everyone participants we can save lots of energy. If you people didn't know, last Saturday you were suppose turn off all your lights from 8-9 pm. This is another chance at this! Have fun and save the world!


Tuesday, April 1

Runner's Guide

To all GPW fans who will run!

Running is a great way to relax, get healthy, delete extra energy, spread time with friends, and have fun!

Getting Started:

  • Running shoes (in good condition)
  • Water bottle
  • Stop watch
  • Track or measurable road
  • Optional: Pedometer
  • Optional: Music Player

To get started start with a short length and slowly increase in length. Just remember to push yourself and never give up because you can go long if you try. Try not to push yourself too much through. Record distance and time on a long and don't always run really far everyday. Some days do short distance runs, other days do medium distance runs, and other days do long distance runs. Just remember to have fun with it!


P.S. This is Elmo's point of view, everyone has one so comment so we can see yours!