Tuesday, April 22

The Weekly Leaf

The Weekly Leaf
Earth Day!
It's Earth Day here!
Show Mother Nature you care!
Reduce! Reuse! Recycle!
I know a tune
To help you remember
What you are suppose to do!
"The Three Rs" by Jack Johnson
To Reduce- Use reusable bags when going to the grocery store or other stores. This way you reduce the use of plastic!
To Reuse- Don't throw out those half used pencils! Reuse them! You can also have a yard sale so people can reuse your stuff.
To Recycle- Though this is a little self explanatory, recycle...
  • Plastic bottles
  • Plastic jugs
  • Glass bottles
  • Aluminum cans
  • Tin cans
  • Paper
  • Newspaper and Magazines
  • Cardboard
Check with your transfer station or dump to see what you recycle!
To make things more interesting
Elmo has began a quest
To see what viewers want
And how funny things should get.
Is this blog not holding your interest?
This has been Elmo with the Weekly Leaf! TTYL!

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