Tuesday, April 15

The Weekly Leaf

I'm so sorry guys!!!!
I totally forgot about posting!!!! I've been so busy this weekend doing things and stuff!!!

Maybe it's time to try The Weekly Leaf!

The Weekly Leaf
(Look on sidebar for more information.)
Energy to Save!!!
Now that it's spring with daylight hours becoming longer, when you wake you in the morning, ignore that pulse to turn the lights on. Instead open your window shades and let the light pour in!

Projects to Do!!!
Having to get that project done that's due umm... soon? Why are you reading this? Once your done reading this get to work! Do your work in 30 minute sessions and take a 3 minute break. Go outside and run around your yard three times than grab a glass of water and drink it! This way you'll become more focused on your project!

It's spring so go outside and run around! Play games with your siblings and pets. Take a nice long walk to the store and grab some stuff to play with outside! Remember that spring goes by fast and then comes summer. You have lots of plans on your mind...

This has been Elmo with your Weekly Leaf! Talk to you later

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post.