Tuesday, May 27

The Weekly Leaf

The Weekly Leaf
Summer is Better
So, I have seen the number of votes in the polls and I can see that the number of viewers has gone done since the sudden rush. Of course, those people might have not thought this blog was interesting but still, they could look at it. Any who (lol that sounds funny) I'll probably get more viewers in the summer. Even though it's the summer people tend to be around more and also, what are you going to do at 10 pm at night? CHECK OUT BLOGS!!!!! Well, let's just hope that there will be more viewers in the summer. I do know some blogs that have closed until the summer... (not us!!!!)

Losing Work
When saving isn't always a possibility many people are stuck with saving there work will typing. I have just not saved sometimes and completely lost my work. It can be very frustrating and annoying. Here's a tip: Highlight all your work and copy it, that way, if you lose it all you have to do is paste your copied work!
New Video
Check out the cool new video!!! Watch it again and again and again and again!!! So cool!
This is Short
I'm sorry for this weeks Weekly Leaf for being so short, but I must get back to eat math homework now! Sorry!
This has been Elmo with the Weekly Leaf! TTYL!

Thursday, May 22


Elmo and Jamie shall be away,
From Friday to Monday,
They shall return Monday,
But don't expect a post.
~Elmo the poet (Hey! I'm a poet AND I know it!! lol)

Tuesday, May 20

The Weekly Leaf

The Weekly Leaf
I have realized that Jamie was right, I missed typed our friends blog. Please she the post before this for details.
You people are mean! No one responded or guessed on the riddle!!!! I'll just have to make up an answer!!!

Problem: 1 + 90= 101 (How?)

Answer: 1 invited her/his/its friend 10 to the party/problem to join 90 and him/her/it. 10 accepted and so the problem/party was changed to 1 + 90 + 10= 101!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAH!!!
There has been a disease going around for bloggers and blogs. This disease is when the blogger invites viewers so there blog and viewers only look at the blog once or twice. This gets very very annoying. This problem is happening to Gas Prices Weekly and we want to make the point clear the spreading the word about this blog is well appreciated. If you do this please contact us via email or comment on a post and we might post your blog or favorite website on ours. (Yes, this can be considered a bribe, and I know that Jamie will be mad at me for doing so but I want more viewers!!!!!!!!!!!)
I'm sure most of you have been introduced to outside and if not it's never too late. It's the end of Spring and almost Summer so it's beautiful weather. Go outside and have fun!!! In fact, that's why we haven't been posting so often.
This has been Elmo with the Weekly Leaf! TTYL!

Sunday, May 18


though what elmo said about me, jamie, leaving, i haven't left yet. so i would like to make a correction. last weekend, we wrote a post about a friend's blog. unfortunately, elmo was typing and it wasn't written incorrectly. i was informed that the link actually takes you to some sort of religious site. so here is the actual link:



Excuses Excuses

Fine, I agree, I haven't been posting...
Excuses why not:
  1. IT"S SPRING!!!!!!!!! WHY SHOULD I BE INSIDE!!??????????? (Unless it's raining really really hard.)
  2. I'm really nervous...
  3. I got a Wii.
  4. I'm playing a sport that takes a lot of time.
  5. My teeth hurt.
  6. This granola bar tastes weird.
  7. I haven't checked anyones blogs. SORRY!!!
  8. Something about cheese...
  9. Jamie is leaving for Washington for a while.
  10. Excuses... Excuses

BTW for the riddle I'll post the answer in the Weekly Leaf.

BTWA (By the way again) Jamie really will be gone.

BTWAA go outside....


Thursday, May 15

Thurday, May 15

Gas Prices in Mamchester on Wednesday
  • $3.59 Hess on 2nd Street and Queen City Ave.
  • $3.61 Stop and Shop WITH card on Valley St.
  • $3.62 7-Eleven on Queen City Ave.
  • $3.66 Sunoci on Queen City Ave.
  • $3.66 Stop and Shop WITHOUT card on Valley St.
  • $3.69 Gulf on Elm St.
  • $3.69 Cumberland Farms on Valley St.
  • $3.69 7-Eleven on Valley St.

Notice the high prices? Gas prices are estimated to be in the $5s in the summer. WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO RELIEZE PEOPLE THAT EVERY EXTRA MILE THAT YOU DRIVE BY YOURSELF IS HURTING THE ENVIROMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Tuesday, May 13

The Weekly Leaf

The Weekly Leaf
The Problem
Have you checked out the problem/riddle I wrote at the bottom of the latest post? If not, it's...
90 + 1 = 101
Now there are many different anwser possibilites... and you you have to tell me the answer. The answer that Jamie and I think best fits the problem will be the answer. Go comment people!!!!
Busy Bee
Jamie and I have been very very busy. There has been lots of work to be done and Elmo got a Wii. Plus lacrosse has started and Elmo and Jamie have been doing it. We apoligize in advance if we don't post for a while or change the polls. We still want you to come and visit our blog!!!
I'm sorry that I have to cut this short but I go to go! Sorry!
This has been Elmo with the Weekly Leaf! TTYL!

Saturday, May 10

New Blog (not ours but a friend)

Go to our very very close friends blog...
This blog is Holly's opinions on politics, life, and other random things. (Like cheese!!! jk)
Check it out!
~Elmo 90 + 1 = 101 (Think about it view the answer later...)

Friday, May 9

Twilight Luvers

New Video!
Just go to YouTube and type in Twilight and you'll get thousands!

Thursday, May 8

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Exit 11
  • Exxon 3.59
Exit 4
Queen City Ave.
  • Hess 3.51
  • Sunoco 3.52
  • 7-Eleven 3.51
Elm Street
  • Gulf 3.69
Valley Street
  • Stop&Shop 3.53 with card and 3.58 without card
  • 7-Eleven 3.55
  • Cumberland 3.54
Exit 6
Broad Street
  • Shell 3.61

Tuesday, May 6

The Weekly Leaf

The Weekly Leaf
I was really sure what to talk about in this issue! I need ideas!
Wow! Lots of viewers just arrived! That’s awesome!!! (In Jamie's terms 'woot' :P!) So welcome to Gas Prices Weekly! We might not be posting so much gas prices anymore... but we will... maybe tomorrow... hopefully! Well this blog is still totally awesome!!! And if you like blogs check out the sidebar for Elmo and Jamie's friends blogs.
If you like to read, look at this list below:

  • Twilight by Stephenie Meyer (Girl)
  • City of Bones (Guy and Girl?)
  • Just Listen by Sarah Dessen (Girl)
  • Flush by Carl Hiassen (Guy and Girl) (and Hoot)

Saving the World
I have more things YOU can do to save the world!

  • Buy the cloth reusable bags from the grocery store to use instead of the plastic ones!
  • Keep lights off!!!! (Especially when you’re leaving your room!
  • Walk instead of drive if possible. (Since when is getting exercise bad?)
  • And more (check out sidebar... again.)

The Latest Report
Gas Prices have been up and down but this is last weeks report.
Gas Prices went rocketing up last week during the beginning and then, for a day, plunged down a little but now, 3 cents is a lot. One way to prevent the gas prices to continue this way is to invent a car that does not use oil but natural resources or other resources. Even if you are young, your parents or siblings are paying this and it may affect your travel. So get your creative mind rolling for new and brilliant ideas!
This has been Elmo with the Weekly Leaf! TTYL!

Monday, May 5


Thanks for asking! We had an awesome time in Florida for sun tanning week!
And welcome to all new viewers who I hope are viewing this!!!!
The Weekly Leaf will probably be published tomorrow!
So from right now this is just like a little post!!
Hey! If you want to see your own work (song, story, essay, thoughts, ideas, gas prices, leaf, egg plant, etc.) email us at Ejgasweekly@gmail.com !
And BTW gmail rocks my socks!
(Check out the new video!)
~Elmo all the way!!!
P.S. Jamie posted!!!!