Tuesday, May 13

The Weekly Leaf

The Weekly Leaf
The Problem
Have you checked out the problem/riddle I wrote at the bottom of the latest post? If not, it's...
90 + 1 = 101
Now there are many different anwser possibilites... and you you have to tell me the answer. The answer that Jamie and I think best fits the problem will be the answer. Go comment people!!!!
Busy Bee
Jamie and I have been very very busy. There has been lots of work to be done and Elmo got a Wii. Plus lacrosse has started and Elmo and Jamie have been doing it. We apoligize in advance if we don't post for a while or change the polls. We still want you to come and visit our blog!!!
I'm sorry that I have to cut this short but I go to go! Sorry!
This has been Elmo with the Weekly Leaf! TTYL!

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