Tuesday, May 20

The Weekly Leaf

The Weekly Leaf
I have realized that Jamie was right, I missed typed our friends blog. Please she the post before this for details.
You people are mean! No one responded or guessed on the riddle!!!! I'll just have to make up an answer!!!

Problem: 1 + 90= 101 (How?)

Answer: 1 invited her/his/its friend 10 to the party/problem to join 90 and him/her/it. 10 accepted and so the problem/party was changed to 1 + 90 + 10= 101!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAH!!!
There has been a disease going around for bloggers and blogs. This disease is when the blogger invites viewers so there blog and viewers only look at the blog once or twice. This gets very very annoying. This problem is happening to Gas Prices Weekly and we want to make the point clear the spreading the word about this blog is well appreciated. If you do this please contact us via email or comment on a post and we might post your blog or favorite website on ours. (Yes, this can be considered a bribe, and I know that Jamie will be mad at me for doing so but I want more viewers!!!!!!!!!!!)
I'm sure most of you have been introduced to outside and if not it's never too late. It's the end of Spring and almost Summer so it's beautiful weather. Go outside and have fun!!! In fact, that's why we haven't been posting so often.
This has been Elmo with the Weekly Leaf! TTYL!

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