Tuesday, May 27

The Weekly Leaf

The Weekly Leaf
Summer is Better
So, I have seen the number of votes in the polls and I can see that the number of viewers has gone done since the sudden rush. Of course, those people might have not thought this blog was interesting but still, they could look at it. Any who (lol that sounds funny) I'll probably get more viewers in the summer. Even though it's the summer people tend to be around more and also, what are you going to do at 10 pm at night? CHECK OUT BLOGS!!!!! Well, let's just hope that there will be more viewers in the summer. I do know some blogs that have closed until the summer... (not us!!!!)

Losing Work
When saving isn't always a possibility many people are stuck with saving there work will typing. I have just not saved sometimes and completely lost my work. It can be very frustrating and annoying. Here's a tip: Highlight all your work and copy it, that way, if you lose it all you have to do is paste your copied work!
New Video
Check out the cool new video!!! Watch it again and again and again and again!!! So cool!
This is Short
I'm sorry for this weeks Weekly Leaf for being so short, but I must get back to eat math homework now! Sorry!
This has been Elmo with the Weekly Leaf! TTYL!

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