Sunday, May 18

Excuses Excuses

Fine, I agree, I haven't been posting...
Excuses why not:
  1. IT"S SPRING!!!!!!!!! WHY SHOULD I BE INSIDE!!??????????? (Unless it's raining really really hard.)
  2. I'm really nervous...
  3. I got a Wii.
  4. I'm playing a sport that takes a lot of time.
  5. My teeth hurt.
  6. This granola bar tastes weird.
  7. I haven't checked anyones blogs. SORRY!!!
  8. Something about cheese...
  9. Jamie is leaving for Washington for a while.
  10. Excuses... Excuses

BTW for the riddle I'll post the answer in the Weekly Leaf.

BTWA (By the way again) Jamie really will be gone.

BTWAA go outside....


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